i'm so sorry my friends. i've been simply rotten this week about updates.
so....here is a little blog entry that i hope you like: recent photos (all random) and a tribute to one of my all time favorite musicals....HAIRSPRAY!! (my obsession has been reinstated this weekend.)
i love to entertain, and i love to make little munchies like brushetta and brie for friends when they come over. also, one of my favorite dishes to make is salmon....i always try different variations...this was dribbled with a dill yogurt sauce. it was soo tasty!
my friends and i...we like to play cards.
and we like to be rather silly from time to time.
and there is a certain love of food and wine. (doesn't everybody have that certain love???)
hope your weekend was swell. hope this week is even sweller. :)